Friday, August 16, 2013

Principles of American democracy

Basic principles of American democracy:
(not in any specific order)
- popular sovereignty
- representative democracy
- universal suffrage
- liberal democracy (majority rule w/ minority rights)
- limited government

So you're saying the people rule, right?

Who really rules in America?
( 3 major theories)
- majoritarianism
    government ought to do (and does) what the majority wishes

- elitism
    government is run by small group who exercise power to advance their own interests

- pluralism
    government dominated by mediation & bargaining between various interest groups in conflict

What makes you American?
Not in the "birth-right" sense but in the "I wear a t-shirt that says These colors don't run" sense.

Socialization of Americans (things we are raised to believe in)
- Individual freedom
- Equality
- Order & Security
- Individual property rights (note the 5th Amendments clause on eminent domain)
- Capitalism